Justin Chance, Kim Farkas
Downs & Ross, New York NY
Hosted by Conceptual Fine Arts, Milan IT
June 9 - July 8, 2021
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Installation view of On Grist and Sunstroke, Downs & Ross hosted by Conceptual Fine Arts, Milan IT

History, 2022
Quilted wet and needle felted wool, cotton, silk, dye, 72.5 x 49.5 inches

Quilted wet and needle felted wool, cotton, silk, dye, 72.5 x 49.5 inches

Installation view of On Grist and Sunstroke, Downs & Ross hosted by Conceptual Fine Arts, Milan IT

Installation view of On Grist and Sunstroke, Downs & Ross hosted by Conceptual Fine Arts, Milan IT

Hamlet, 2021-2022
Quilted wet and needle felted wool, cotton, silk, dye, 58.5 x 48 inches

Quilted wet and needle felted wool, cotton, silk, dye, 58.5 x 48 inches

Vista, 2021-2022
Quilted wet and needle felted wool, cotton, silk, dye, 68.5 x 44

Quilted wet and needle felted wool, cotton, silk, dye, 68.5 x 44